Together Again

Together Again
We are all together.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

How Are You?

How are you?  I’m asked, or I ask this question many, many times during a day.  Even now, when I’m spending so much more time at home, when I’m at chemo or radiation, I’m asked by others there for healing and the staff.  “Fine, I’m fine”?  Am I really fine?
Is it possible to be “fine” while being treated for cancer?

A good friend sent me a card with a reference to John Denver’s song with the refrain “Some days are diamonds and some days are stones.”  My friend added, “while every day is good, some days are not easy.”  This helps, every day has something good, something beautiful, something kind, something loving to offer.  I can acknowledge the goodness of the day and still accept that it hasn’t been easy.

With strangers, it’s so much easier to give the expected answer.  With family and friends, it seems incomplete especially if we have time for a conversation. Ask me how I’m doing.  I want to tell you about my healing and I want to tell you about the laugh out loud card, the charming teenager that recommended a good book, the delicious concoction I made for breakfast, the conversation with my grand children and the great care from my husband.

How are you?

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