Together Again

Together Again
We are all together.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

We Waited
Today was different.  Usually there are only one or two people in the radiation waiting room.  This morning there were several people, both care givers and those waiting for healing.  While waiting, we each had a chance to tell part of our story.  While the details were distinctive, they were also the same.

We each knew something was wrong.  I had a persistent cough.  Someone else had a pain in the side.  And another had a sore throat.  We waited for our symptoms to get better.  We tried over the counter remedies and we waited to get better.  When we didn’t get better, we still waited. 
When we finally stopped waiting, we heard what no one wants to hear.  We heard the terrifying “CANCER”.  Choosing life meant surgery, radiation, chemo, loosing hair, voice, taste buds, giving up food.  These are all temporary and we see the end. 
For those few moments, we were no longer alone.  Someone else knew exactly how we felt.  Our stories were far from tragic, far from sad.  The room was filled with hope and love.

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