Together Again

Together Again
We are all together.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

                                                             Getting Up
Twenty-four hours, 8 hours for sleeping and 16 hours to fill.  Each day, especially now that I’m feeling better, I look for a reason to get up and get dressed.  It takes effort to fill days when those days aren’t pre-arranged by employment, medical appointments, cleaning and cooking.

Each evening, I consider things I’d like to accomplish. the next day.  Bills still have to be paid, shopping for food and limited cooking, there are letters to write and medical billing to manage, reviewing my day for FB postings.  When there are gaps to be filled, a friend will send a card, call or stop by for a visit.  Each day brings it’s own surprises and yes, something will happen and most often, it’s something good.

With the flu so widespread, I’m avoiding crowds and that has put a damper on some of my plans.  Not to fear, I can always find something interesting to fill my time.  I am intentional about making each day count.  At the end of the day, I like to look back and know I accomplished something.

Many times, it’s something I don’t particularly want to do.  My tables tend to accumulate the daily mail and filing is a pain.  Dishes have to be put away, I don’t mind washing them.  The same with clothing, I don’t mind washing, drying and folding.  Putting away is the hard part.

Today, I’m visiting my sister, clearing the mail off the table, short walk and a Doc appointment.  Tonight, I’ll think about tomorrow, a monthly painting class and weekly dinner with my honey.

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