Together Again

Together Again
We are all together.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

                                                            Saying YES to Help

My oldest twin son, as a child, after showing him how to do something new, always wanted to try doing it all by himself.  He did not want any suggestions or help.  I waited many times for him to tie shoes, zip a coat or button a jacket.  Perhaps he came by it honestly.

Now I find myself answering, “No, I don’t need any help.  I can do it myself”, even when doing it myself will take twice as long and cause me considerable pain.  Most times, I’ve been able to power through.  Cancer is different.  I can’t power through alone and YES, I do need help.

Those are humbling words, “I need help”.  After conversations with several friends, I asked my primary care physician for medication to help with anxiety and also scheduled an appointment with a counselor.  Each of these is a proactive step in preparation for the journey head.

Typically, I’m willing to wait until I’m hanging on to the end of the falling rope before asking for help.  Enough of that, it’s time for a change.  Thanks to all that offer help and I can now say “YES”, without too much coaxing.  I’m not quite there yet, I am well on my way. 

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