Together Again

Together Again
We are all together.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

                                        Telling Two More
How do you tell family and friends you’ve been diagnosed with the big “C”?  My husband was with me, my brother and sisters learned face to face, my sons by phone, several friends by phone, my husband told his brother and most everyone else with a FB post.

I have two friends that still do not know.  They are not on FB and one doesn’t use e-mail. This is tough to tell and tough to hear.  I considered a letter; one -way communication.  A phone call seems the most logical.  After having to tell so many people, I am not looking forward to this conversation.  I could ask a mutual friend to break the news.

I’ve thought about this all day and right now, I don’t have the gumption to tell one more person.  If I was on the other side, it wouldn’t matter how I was told.  I would want to be part of my friend’s journey.

Tonight, I’ve decided to ask a mutual friend to make the call.  Tomorrow, I might change my mind. 

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