Together Again

Together Again
We are all together.

Monday, December 25, 2017

                                              The Second Round
Christmas day is winding down.  What a day?  It was a day filled with love and generosity.  It began with visiting a friend that doesn’t get out much, an early dinner with family and finishing with solving all the world’s problems with next door neighbors.

Preparations for tomorrow’s chemo have already started.  The lunch bag is packed with oranges and a banana.  The tablet with a book on it is fully charged.  I have ear plugs for music.  All these things will make the four hours easier.  What makes it easiest is a husband that makes sure I’m there on time and a sister that will visit before going back to Atlanta.

I will roll with what ever comes during this second round.  Friends have shared their experience and that is appreciated, I know mine will be unique.  There is enough prayer, enough faith and enough love to guide me through what lies ahead.

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