Together Again

Together Again
We are all together.

Friday, December 01, 2017

What A Difference A Day Makes
I slept late!  Restorative, restful, refreshing sleep.  The nutritionist called with good news, my cell counts are good and concern, loosing weight.  What to do? More calories and hydrate, hydrate. 
While waiting for my healing session, two older women were talking.  They caught up, both there for healing.  As I listened, one said to the other “Life is too short to spend gripping and complaining.”  This from someone that has already spent seven years in recovery.  Her condition is treatable, not curable.

That was just the kick I needed to get my mind off yesterday and thinking about what I was going to do to help myself.  A visit to the grocery store and I came home with a liquid nutritional supplement, nuts, peanut and almond butter, turkey, seltzer water and avocados.  I even bought sausage patties. 

Ron/Allen and I went on our usual Friday night dinner date.  We’ve gone out almost ever Friday night for the last decade.  It’s our time to wind down, catch up and enjoy each other’s company.  The food was really good, the company was even better.

I made it through the first week with everything I needed.  I am thankful for the prayers, visits, phone calls and cards that keep coming.  I have a break this weekend and Monday is my last chemo treatment for three weeks.

I am not wasting this experience; I’m squeezing everything of value I can. I never know where I’m going to learn something worth holding on to, my mind, ears and eyes are open.

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