Together Again

Together Again
We are all together.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

                                                           It’s Done
It’s done.  The last of my hair is gone.  My hairstylist sister did the honors.  She’s visiting for the holidays and brought her clippers.  Within 30 minutes the rest of my hair was on the bathroom floor and I was o.k. with it. There were a few surprises; freckles on the top of my head and a beauty spot. Looking in the mirror, I liked what I saw.

This has been a process each step gave me time to adjust to the change. When the first locks came out, I waited a few days to call my niece for the big comb out.  The short cut gave me time to accept what would come next.  More and more hair came out and finally I was ready to let it all go.

Today was a milestone in self-acceptance and confidence.  I am more than my hair, it doesn’t define me.  I am comfortable with the new look.

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