Together Again

Together Again
We are all together.

Sunday, December 03, 2017

                                                          Due Diligence

Who knew making chicken salad could be so exhausting. It’s complete and I have lunch for tomorrow.  Two days at home, one more four-hour healing session and three weeks off.  I am ready for the break.

As I was making the chicken salad, I thought about all the ways I look at food preparation differently.  I used anti-bacterial dish soap and hot water to clean the cutting board, knife and spoon. I’m trusting that the mayo, walnuts, capers and cranberries are free from contaminates.

Now, I am avoiding fresh berries, pre-washed lettuce, cut fruit and veggies, food samples, buffets and anything that isn’t signed and sealed before being delivered. We place so much trust in the food supply even though we know it’s not perfect.
I’m having to think about what I’ve never really had to think much about before. Fortunately, there are only two of us at home and we control what is being brought in.  With a weakened immune system, avoiding any and everything that might jeopardize my health takes priority.

Diligence is a small price to pay for good health.

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